Bodies of Water is an on-going enquiry by:

Jess Lea-Wilson

Jess grew up on Ynys Môn and has recently returned to live there after a long spell in London. She works in marketing for brands who want to make a difference and has worked on several books, on everything from sea salt to vegetarian food. She is equally interested in words and image, and her favourite projects combine the two. When it comes to cold water swimming, she is more of a dipper than a lingerer.

instagram - smallislandbigcity/

Jim Marsden

Born in the Rossendale Valley, Lancashire, Jim grew up with a love of the landscape and a curiosity for the people. He uses this to create work for clients as well as his own personal work, while continuing to experiment and play with film as a medium. Jim believes that film has never been more relevant to use than now in this digital age and he exclusively works in film for both his personal and commercial work.

instagram - jimmarsdenphotography/

Jo Tinsley

Jo Tinsley is the founder and editor of Ernest, an independent journal for enquiring minds. She is also a writer and editor specialising in slow travel, wild swimming and outdoor lifestyle; she works as Digital Editor at Outdoor Swimmer and her latest book The Slow Traveller comes out in June 2023. A keen open water swimmer, Jo is never happier than when exploring a lake or bay, or rambling over northern moorlands.

instagram - slowjotinsley/

Tina Hobson

Tina uses design and art direction to bring stories to life. From old-school journalism roots, her portfolio has grown to include a wide range of newsstand, customer and indie magazines as well as beautiful coffee-table and cook books. When away from the screen, Tina is usually found in muddy boots, a soggy cossie, or tucked up in her campervan with her young family.

instagram - tinasmithhobson/


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